World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies

Barcelona, July 19th – 24th 2010

Important Dates

  • The Call for Congress registration is open.

  • The submission deadline for proposals was on March 1st 2010 .

  • Registration and payment received
    Registration and payment receivedby February 1st 2010by June 21st 2010After June 21st(including on site registration)
    Regular Fees85€100€120€
    Student Fees*50€75€85€
    Participants eligible for fee reduction**50€

    * Students must provide documentation in English or in French certifying their student affiliation with an institution of higher learning at the time of registration.

    **Participants eligible for fee reductions must first apply to the congress Financial Assistance Program (FAP) set up to deal with special cases of hardship (participants who do not have sufficient resources to cover the cost or part of the costs of taking part in the congress.)
    This program will offer fees reduction or grants to cover costs of the congress either in full or in part to participants. Please check the FAP application form.

  • For more information on the registration calendar please check the registration information document.