World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies

Barcelona, July 19th - 24th 2010


Improving the integration of immigration: Interstate Cooperation among Mediterranean States (107) - NOT_DEFINED activity_field_Panel

· NOT_DEFINED date: TUE 20, 11.30 am-1.30pm

· NOT_DEFINED institution: Institut de Dret Públic - El Tiempo de los Derechos (Consolider-Ingenio 2010)

· NOT_DEFINED organizer: Eliseo Aja

· NOT_DEFINED language: English, Français

· NOT_DEFINED description: The scope of the seminar is to allow participants to deliberate and to reflect on some current issues affecting the integration of immigration and how the interstate cooperation among Mediterranean Sea States could improve it. A special emphasis will be given to certain common questions that many Euro-Mediterranean States now face. We will discuss about which integrative actions are being adopted by the States and in which areas (education, freedom of association, religious freedom’). We will also take into consideration which instruments of interstate dialogue and cooperation are present today (international agreements, domestic legislation, European Union legislation), and if they are useful and effective, analyzing what sort of mechanisms could be proposed to improve in this area. In addition, the experience of two case studies, Spain-Morocco and Germany-Turkey will be examined.

Chair: Eliseo Aja (Instituto Derecho Público, Spain)

Paper discussant: Andreu Olesti (Instituto de Derecho Público, Spain)

Paper presenter: Amina El Messaoudi (University Mohamed V. Rabat-Agdal), “ Pour une meilleure intégration des immigrés marocaines en Espagne”
Un grand nombre de questions interpellent les insuffisances des politiques d’intégration, notamment dans ce cas, les immigrés marocains en Espagne. Quelles actions favoriser pour une cohabitation harmonieuse des populations marocaines immigrées avec la société espagnole? Que prévoit le Plan national préliminaire pour la promotion des citoyens marocains résidant à l’étranger (2008-2012) qui est préparé par le ministère chargé de la Communauté marocaine résidant à l’étranger en coordination avec le ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération et la Fondation Hassan II pour les MRE et qui a été approuvé et validé le 5 février 2008 par la Commission gouvernementale mixte chargée des questions des MRE? Comment les différentes ONG dans les pays des deux rives peuvent contribuer à promouvoir et à améliorer les conditions d’une bonne intégration?

Paper presenter: Miguel Revenga (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain), “The politics of integration in Spain (especially in the case of nationals from Morocco and other Arab countries)”
The paper will concentrate in the politics launched by the Spanish Government to affront the problem of normalizing the process of integration in the Spanish society of immigrants living among us for long time. After a quick consideration on the concept of integration itself, the Paper will consider the way Spain is trying to develop politics of participation, protection, accommodation and agreement. The Challenge consists in how to protect constitutional values without putting in risk the possibility of a successful ‘living together’. This implies a combination of flexibility accompanied by common compromise to sustain a minimum and fundamental consensus in questions like democracy or human rights.

Paper presenter: Jean Marcou (French Institute of Anatolian Studies in Istanbul), “Turkey between the European integration and the regional ambitions”
There are more than five million Turkish people living and working in Germany and in other countries of the European Union. There are also an important number of immigrants coming from Africa and Asia who are in Turkey in transit to other destinations. Turkey is simultaneously a sending and a receiving country. Therefore its approach to migration includes the perspective of both sides as sending and as receiving country. On the other hand Turkey is negotiating its accession to the European Union which could include a free movement of persons. At the same time Turkey is becoming a regional power in the Balkans, the Caucasus Region and the Middle East. The paper will analyze which instruments, mechanisms and actions of interstate dialogue and cooperation are being adopted by Turkish authorities in order to deal with this situation.

Paper presenter: Kay Hailbronner (University of Konstanz), “Integration and Acquisition of Nationality in Germany-Turkey Relations”
The presentation would focus on current developments in the German integration policy concerning Turkish citizens including the acquisition of nationality as one integrative measure. First, an overview about recent changes of the provisions of the German Residents Act on integration issues such as obligations to acquire German language skills will be given. In addition issues of acquisition of nationality including the toleration of dual nationality will be discussed and evaluated. Finally the paper will address some issues of religious freedom respect to Muslim population in Germany.