World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies

Barcelona, July 19th – 24th 2010

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19-Legumes of the Arabian Peninsular and Socotra - NOT_DEFINED activity_field_Poster

· NOT_DEFINED institution: Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

· NOT_DEFINED organizer: Barbara Mackinder

· NOT_DEFINED language: English

· NOT_DEFINED description: The Arabian Peninsula covers some 2.7 million km2 which is approximately 2% of the world’s land surface. One of the activities of the Centre of Middle Eastern Plants at The Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, UK is to support the writing and editing of the definitive Flora of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra. Although the flora of the Arabian Peninsula is still incompletely known, it is estimated that it comprises about 3500 species of flowering plants. An account of the members of the Leguminosae (Bean Family) which occur in the Arabian Peninsular is currently underway and is expected to include about 350 species. The poster will present information on the geographical distribution of legume species within the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra and give details of the kinds of information recorded about individual species that occur in the Flora region.