World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies

Barcelona, July 19th - 24th 2010


Editing Manuscripts and Texts (479) - NOT_DEFINED activity_field_Panel

· NOT_DEFINED date: FRI 23, 2.30-4.30 pm

· NOT_DEFINED language: English

· NOT_DEFINED description: Paper presenter: Seyed Sadegh Asef Agah (President Of Majma Zakhair Islami), “Waqf-names of Manuscripts in Iran during the Qajar Period”
Although the waqf institution in Islam has received considerable attention by researchers, there has been very little study so far of the endowment of books and handwritten manuscripts. In this paper, I will investigate the waqf-names (endowment deeds) of fifty mss endowed to the library of Masjid-i Azam in Qum in the Qajar Period. The library contains a total of 4177 mss of which 250 contain waqf-names. I will show how a waqf-name in a given manuscript can be an important source for uncovering the history of ownership of the manuscript and how it came to be endowed to a particular library. I will also look at how the endowment deeds of these manuscripts are both similar in certain respects but also differ with the endowment deeds for waqf property in terms of how control is designated and beneficiaries are appointed. Finally the evolution in language and style of the text of Qajar era waqf-names of manuscripts will be compared with examples from the Safavid period.

Paper presenter: Mohammad Hossein Saket (Researcher of the Written Heritage Research Centre), “Books as the tools of Knowledge and scholars according to Ibn-I Jami’a and al-Ma’w”
Writing on Muslim pedagogy is the most fascinating theme for those scholars and students who deal with Islamic culture and civilization. In fact, Islamic pedagogy texts inform us about a series of invaluable data on Muslim scholarship and methodology of learning.Ibn-I Jama’a ( d. 733/1332) wrote his instructive procedures titled Tadhkirat al- Sami’ wa al- Mutikallim fi Adab al-lim wa al- Muti’alim ( Instructing book on rules of conducts and manners) which influenced other pedagogical books such as Ghazzi’s Dur al- Naz’d( d. 977/1577) and al- M’w’s al- Muad fi Adab al- Mufad wa al- Mustafad. In this paper, I tried to show the resemblances between the 4th chapter of the Tadhkirat with the 6th chapter of al- Muwa’s Adab al- Mufad. Both Writers have dealt with important themes like how to edit and punctuate the texts. It is worth mentioning that Ibn-I Jami’a in the first pedagogic who had talked on books as tools of knowledge and scholars in the medieval centuries.

Paper presenter: Mariam Nanobashvili (Associate Professor-Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University), “Early Arabic Apocrypha on Saint George”
St. George stands among the most popular saints in the Christian world and is venerated to certain extent by the Moslems as well. The early sources about this saint, among them hagiographical and homiletical texts in Greek, Syriac, Ethiopic, Coptic, Georgian and Latin, have already become a subject of vast scholarly research. One can not say the same about the Christian Arabic versions, while their number is quite large, which is caused by the diversity of sources used by the Arabic Speaking Christians (Greek, Syriac, Coptic). The aim of the given paper is publication of the Martyrdom of St. George from the Arabic manuscript of the Vatican Apostolic Library Vat. Ar. 431. The manuscript is dated with the 14th c. but the analysis of the linguistic peculiarities of the text and also the content show that the translation is much earlier. It stands close to the earliest Greek version, abundant with miracles, the text, which was later considered non-canonical. While publishing the Apocrypha all the grammatical and orthographic characteristics of the Christian Arabic texts are kept, as it is well known, these texts largely reflect the spoken Arabic and show significant deviations from the standard language. The Arabic version is provided with the English translation. The article also deals with the legends and beliefs associated with St. George, special attention is paid to the saint?s cult among the Arabic Speaking Christians in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, it?s partial perception by the Moslems (parallels with Elia, al-Khidr) and the shrines venerated by the confessors of both religions. These data reveal interesting cultural exchange between the Christians and Moslems in the Middle East. The given article is the first stage of a larger research which aims the critical study of all the versions of the Martyrdom of Saint George in Christian Arabic Tradition and their publication.